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COBI® North American B-25B Mitchell

  • #5541
  • 500 Teile
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The B-25 Mitchell was a medium American bomber used during World War II, named in honor of Major General William ‘Billy’ Mitchell, a pioneer of US military aviation. The B-25 was a twin-engine mid-wing characterized by three-point landing gear and double tail. It featured a wide fuselage with places for pilots next to each other. B-25B version gained fame as the first bomber used in the USAAF front-line unit. After the war ended, many B-25Bs remained in service, operating across four decades. There were 120 planes in this version built.

The construction block model of B-25B has easy-to-open pilot’s cockpit, retractable landing gear, rotating flaps, and doors that can be opened to drop bombs.

  • 500 blocks
  • 2 figures: USAAF pilots
  • Bodywork with pad printing
  • A sheet of stickers
  • Easy-to-follow instruction manual
  • Compatible with other brands of construction blocks

Model dimensions (length x width x height): 425mm x 485mm x 140mm


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Technische Daten

Produktbreite49 cm
Produkthöhe14 cm
Produkttiefe43 cm
Produktgewicht--- kg