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COBI® V2 Rocket on Meiller Vehicle - Executive Edition

  • #3120
  • 1191 Teile
  • UVP 79.98
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79,98 €
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The V2 rocket is one of the most famous so-called wonder weapons (German “Wunderwaffe”), which were supposed to turn the tide of war. This construction still fascinates many history and World War II enthusiasts. This legendary design was so requested that COBI could not resist the ever-increasing questions about this set. Here is the legendary V2 rocket in 1:35 scale in an Executive Edition version, enriched with additional blocks. The rocket itself has a removable casing, under which there is a reproduced interior: a powerful rocket engine, fuel tank and a warhead with an explosive charge!The Executive Edition set consists of 1,191 elements and includes:

  • model of a V2 rocket
  • base for transport and shooting
  • figure of General Walter Dornbeger
  • Additional blocks depicting a warning sign
  • white plate with the name of the set

The V2 (Vergeltungswaffe 2) rockets were the world's first long-range ballistic missiles. They were developed by Germany during World War II, and their main designer was Wernher von Braun, later one of the main pioneers of the American space program. The V2s were used by the Germans mainly to attack London and other Allied cities from 1944 onward. The V2s had a range of about 300 km and could carry an explosive charge weighing 1 ton. The design was based on engines burning liquid fuel in a pioneering way. After launch, the rocket would rise to an altitude of about 100 km (that's space!) and then fall to the target at a tremendous speed, making it virtually impossible to intercept. The V-2 was the forerunner of all modern ballistic missiles and had a significant impact on the development of space technology after the war.

  • 1191 high-quality elements
  • Manufactured in the EU by a company with over 20 years of tradition
  • The blocks meet the safety standards of products for children
  • Fully compatible with other brands of construction blocks
  • Blocks with prints do not scratch or smear and do not fade during play or under the influence of temperature
  • Clear and intuitive instructions based on illustrations and step-by-step directions
  • 1 figure
  • Name plate
  • figurine accessories
  • Scale 1:35

Model dimensions (length x height): 405mm x 24mm x 130mm485mm x 24mm x 435mm - with base and raised rocket



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  • brickmo
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Technische Daten

Produktbreite8 cm
Produkthöhe13 cm
Produkttiefe49 cm
Produktgewicht--- kg