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FunWhole® Forge House

  • #F9040
  • 1595 Teile
  • HRP 88.62
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88,62 €
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【Exquisite Medieval Style Building】 The whole building is designed in typical medieval style, including elements such as pitched roofs, stone and brick facades, wooden beams and columns. These details not only reflect the unique beauty of medieval architecture, but also make the whole model more realistic.

【Forge Workshop with a strong sense of history and atmosphere】 The towering chimney is delicately designed as if you can feel the heat of the furnace fire. Transparent orange and red part particles are used for the fireplace to create the effect of flames burning, adding a vivid atmosphere to the whole model.

【Quick release design for more details】On the first floor is the Forge Workshop, with several quick-disassembling forging tools, including sharpening racks, working tables, weapon racks, etc., reproducing the working environment of the Forge Workshop; on the second floor is Torn's living and dining room, with furniture displays restored to medieval decorations; on the third floor are the bedrooms of the master forger and apprentice, with the apprentice's bedroom having a scroll of weapon forging, and the master's room containing the ancestral King's Sword!

【Exclusive lighting accessories (batteries not included)】The forge has 5 sets of light strings with 11 customized glow locations, 3 breathing red lights for the outdoor forge, 2 warm yellow torches for the first floor entrance, 2 warm yellow torches for the first floor interior as well; 2 warm yellow oil lamps for the second floor interior, 1 yellow candle and 1 yellow oil lamp for the third floor.

【Packing List】The product includes 1595PCS building blocks, a lighting kit, and a clear assembly guide. Provide a two-year warranty.



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Technische Daten

Produktbreite21 cm
Produkthöhe33 cm
Produkttiefe22 cm
Produktgewicht1.35 kg