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FunWhole® Skateboard Shop

  • #F9051
  • 1573 Teile
  • HRP 124.99
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124,99 €
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The skate store was inspired by the skateboarding and graffiti experiences of the design team members. Faithfully restoring the theme scene of the skateboard store, relive the good skateboarding times with every builder who loves skateboarding.

【Street-style visual design for different visual needs】Taken from a classic skateboard store, it contains a first floor sales area, a second floor bedroom and a rooftop secret space: the base. There are also skater dolls, skateboarding terrain and a wealth of skateboarding accessories.

【Street style blocks, use blocks to express your style preferences】The skateboard store is different from the common street architecture in appearance design, using 6 graffiti, 25 printed pieces, 3 skateboarding related dolls to create a strong street visual style for the building, which is a great collection for block players who love street culture to express themselves.

【Compatible with Street Scene, forming a unique corner of the city】The skateboard store with 6 graffiti, 8 lights and 25 printed pieces to form a street visual style to assemble your favorite skater's image; drink vending machines, skateboarding terrain, and its reproduction of the reality of the detailed design, to create a vibrant new street for your building block city construction.

【Great Gift】This product is medium sized and suitable for both block city, bookshelf and desktop. It includes high quality bricks and clear instructions for a smooth building experience for every builder. It's perfect as a gift with unique taste for your friends and family!

【Package List】The product includes building blocks 1573PCS, 8 LED lights, 3 bricks bags, 25 printed bricks, and a clear assembly guide. Can become a an excellent gift, that is, enough fun and cultural representation, but also easy and smooth building experience.



Versand nach
  • ywobb
    spare 27%(~34 €)
    inkl. MwSt & Zoll  
    kostenloser Versand 
    aus | 7 bis 14 Tage
    Preis beim Händler entgültig | Keine zusätzlichen Kosten
    Nur gültig mit Code: rebricker
    kostenloser Versand 
    kostenloser Versand 
    aus | 1 bis 2 Tage
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Technische Daten

Produktbreite26 cm
Produkthöhe28 cm
Produkttiefe21 cm
Produktgewicht--- kg