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FunWhole® Deer Crossing

  • #F9053
  • 576 Teile
  • HRP 33.72
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33,72 €
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In the heart of the 1960s, your name is Richard, a magazine contributor who is tired of the monotony. You decide to break free by a desire for meaning in your life. You book a car and set out on the open road in search of answers in the West.En route, a deer crosses your trail, forcing you to follow. You are overwhelmed by the breathtaking beauty of the western canyons before you, and it is here that your journey truly begins ......

【Exclusive lighting accessories (batteries not included)】

There are a total of four light points, two professionally tuned warm-colored headlights, highly reproduced halogen headlights from the 70's vintage cars and two red brake lights.

【Scene set with “On the Road” precious memories】American retro scene, record the moment the deer crossing the road, this set of products have classic retro American car natural scenery of stone arches and scene details are well suited to everyone's past experience, thus stimulating good memories of their own travel experience, the block set can be very good as a carrier of precious memories.

【Rich detail and multiple prints】Has 11 printed pieces that enrich the details of the block particles.1. restore the effect of windshield and fenders getting dirty after a long trip of the vehicle.2. Simulated animal eyes make the gray cottontail rabbit and mule deer more vivid.3. Passenger travel map can swing with the wind.

【Highly expandable road series】The scenes portray classic Utah travel scenes, and their classic elements: stone arches, vintage cars, deer, and other elements can be flexibly customized to match with other themed products in the collection, restoring the user's own unique scene of experience.

【Amazing gift & Great collection for the block set enthusiasts】Smaller pieces that can be built quickly, great gifts for everyone, give as a souvenir to those who have been on a road trip!

【Package List】The product includes building blocks 576PCS(4 bricks bags), 4 LED lights, and a clear assembly guide. First in the Road Trip series.



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Technische Daten

Produktbreite6 cm
Produkthöhe15 cm
Produktlänge4 cm
Produktgewicht0 kg
Verpackungsbreite23 cm
Verpackungshöhe18 cm
Verpackungslänge9 cm
Verpackungsgewicht--- kg
exclusive Minifiguren
BezeichnungDeer Crossing