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FunWhole® Motel

  • #F9054
  • 1970 Teile
  • HRP 109.61
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109,61 €
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【“Neon Era” Gorgeous Retro Lighting Recreation】The motel has 7 sets of light strings with a total of 22 customized light-emitting positions.

【Retro Light Design】There is a huge advertising light board with a very 70's character.

Illuminated Acrylic Panels: Laser engraving + UV printing recreate vintage neon sign effects.

Bar Flashing Lights: Fast/slow flashing colors create a psychedelic bar vibe.

Pink & Purple Light Tubes: Colorful strips in the second-floor corridor revive neon-era lighting.

Warm White Interiors: Cozy second-floor rooms contrast the vibrant outdoor.

【Multi-layer detachable and playable display of classic American retro charm】Inspired by classic motels of last century's road trip era, it captures the freedom of the open road with vibrant colors, greenery, and character design. The detachable third floor offers an immersive, playable retro experience.

【Rich interiors and props that bring back memories of “on the road”】Vintage interiors and props that reflect the special background of the era, classic symbols of road trips, and evoke moving memories of “on the road”.

【Series Links】Fawn reporter drives to interview motel owner and meets Fawn on the way. The Deer Crossing's car can be parked in the motel's garage, and the gas station.

【Package List】The product includes building blocks 1970PCS, 11 bricks bags, 22 LED lights, and a clear assembly guide.



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  • ywobb
    inkl. MwSt & Zoll  
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    aus | 7 bis 14 Tage
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    Nur gültig mit Code: rebricker
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Technische Daten

Produktbreite45 cm
Produkthöhe32 cm
Produkttiefe25 cm
Produktgewicht--- kg